1. The client/caregiver can define the purpose and action of oral anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.
    1. The anticoagulant and antiplatelet medication is used to treat or prevent a blood clot that could result in a heart attack, stroke, and other life-threatening problems.
    2. The medications discussed here are to be taken as oral medication.
  2. The client/caregiver can list important assessments and evaluations used when taking oral anticoagulants.
    1. Report any signs of bleeding (nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or blood in urine) orbruising promptly.
    2. Avoid taking drugs that may increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin or Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs without the approval of a physician.
    3. Instruct the client to avoid activities with a high risk of injury.
    4. Male clients should use electric razors.
    5. Take medication exactly as prescribed.
    6. Have blood work done at times specified by a physician.
    7. Keep all follow-up visits with a physician.
    8. Keep a record of any medication changes your physician may give over the phone as a result of recent laboratory tests.
    9. Read food labels. Any foods or supplements that contain vitamin K may impair the effectiveness of anticoagulant medication.


Ackley, B. J., & Ladwig, G. B. (2006). Nursing diagnosis handbook: A guide to planning care. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
Deglin, J. F., & Vallerand, A. H. (2001). Davis’s drug guide for nurses. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.
Nursing 2006 drug handbook. (2006). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Rice, J. (1998). Medications mathematics for the nurse. Albany, NY: Delmar.

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