1. Definition: Joint protection is a means of using your joints wisely. Joint protection does not mean eliminating the use of that joint.
    1. Principle 1: Use the strongest or largest joint possible to accomplish a task. Example: A doorknob extender allows you to open the door with the palm of your hand instead of with your fingers.
    2. Principle 2: Distribute the load over several joints. Example: Carry an object by using two hands instead of one.
    3. Principle 3: Use each joint in its most stable and functional position. Example: To pick up an object, make sure that you face it directly to avoid twisting the trunk.
    4. Principle 4: Use good body mechanics. Example: To lift objects from the ground, bend your legs instead of your back: pick up the object, hold it as close to your body as possible, and rise, letting your leg muscles do the work.
    5. Principle 5: Reduce the effort required to do the job. Example: Use wheels to transport. Utility carts, tea tables, and shopping carts are just a few examples.
    6. Principle 6: Avoid prolonged periods of maintaining the same joint position. Example: Alternate between sitting and standing positions.
    7. Principle 7: Encourage full and complete motions during daily activities. Example: Reach as high as possible when washing windows.
    8. Principle 8: Avoid positions and activities leading to possible joint deformities. Example: Sleeping with pillows under the knees should be avoided unless otherwise advised.
      1. Principle 8a: Avoid excessive pressure against the back of the fingers, the pads of the thumb, and the tip of each finger. Example: When using spray cans or bottles, push down with the palm of the hand instead of the thumb tip.
      2. Principle 8b: Avoid tight grasp on objects and keep hands open whenever possible. Example: Foam padding added to such articles as a toothbrush, pen, razor, fork, or comb will increase the size of the handle. The larger the grip, the less tension is required to maintain your hold on these objects.
    9. Principle 9: Organize your work. Example: Combine several errands in one trip whenever possible, especially if climbing stairs is involved.
    10. Principle 10: Balance work with rest. Example: Schedule frequent rest periods during the day. Alternate heavy and light work tasks.
    11. Principle 11: Use efficient storage. Example: Determine the easy way to reach areas and use them for the most frequently used supplies.
    12. Principle 12: Eliminate unnecessary tasks. Example: Use convenience foods or prepare food in the easiest manner possible. For example, bake potatoes instead of mashing them.


Arthritis Foundationwww.arthritis.org


K. Lorig and J. Fries, The Arthritis Helpbook (pp. 69–92), ©1980 Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. Reprinted by permission of Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.


Client Teaching Guides for Home Health Care, 2nd ed.© 2008 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.www.jbpub.com

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