1. The client/caregiver can list the types of canes available.
    1. A tripod cane has three legs.
    2. A quad cane has four legs.
    3. A standard straight cane has one leg.
  2. The client/caregiver can list general guidelines for the use of a cane.
    1. Choose a cane that has proper support and proper height.
    2. Canes should have rubber tips to improve traction and prevent slipping.
    3. Always wear sturdy, nonskid shoes to prevent falls.
  3. The client can demonstrate walking with a cane.
    1. Hold the cane on the strongest side of the body.
    2. Place the cane about 4 inches in front of the body and slightly to the side.
    3. Move the cane forward with the weaker leg bearing weight on the strong leg.
    4. Then move the strong leg forward while bearing weight on the cane and the weaker leg.
    5. Look ahead, not at the floor, when walking.
  4. The client can demonstrate walking the stairs with a cane.
    1. Walking up the steps
      1. Place strong leg up first.
      2. Then move the cane and affected leg up.
      3. Continue one step at a time.
    2. Walking down the steps
      1. Place the cane and affected leg down first.
      2. Then move your strong leg down.
      3. Continue one step at a time.
  5. The client can demonstrate getting into and out of a chair.
    1. Sitting down in a chair
      1. Stand with the backs of your legs against a chair.
      2. Reach back with both hands to grasp the armrests.
    2. Getting out of a chair
      1. Hold the cane on the stronger side as you grasp the armrests.
      2. Lean forward and push up using armrests.


Canobbio, M. M. (2006). Mosby’s handbook of patient teaching. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.Perry, A., & Potter, P. (2006). Clinical nursing skills & technique. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.Timby, B. K., & Smith, N. C. (2003). Introductory medical-surgical nursing (8th ed.). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott


Client Teaching Guides for Home Health Care, 2nd ed.© 2008 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.www.jbpub.com

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